Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quick Facts: Take a Breather, Work Out.

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat daily stress. This is well-worth repeating; regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat daily stress.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Houston, asked 135 college students to fill out questionnaires assessing their daily stress loads along with moods, physical activity routines and overall health.

Those who exercised less often experienced 37 percent more physical symptoms of stress. During periods of high stress, 21 percent were more anxious than those who exercised more frequently.

Exercise, it seems, offered students a temporary breather from their problems. A workout can offer a period of rejuvenation before returning to the pressures of daily stress according to the Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Lead researcher Dr. Cindy L. Carmack said, "Minor, everyday stress contributes to the development and exacerbation of physical and mental health problems. However, people experiencing minor stress develop different degrees of symptoms, depending on their level of physical activity."

For a snack, try munching on pistachios when feeling stressed out. Researchers at Penn State University say eating one and a half ounces daily can lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on the heart during emotional or physical stress.

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